The Impact of Residential Properties on Crime Rates in Bradenton, FL

As a real estate expert in Bradenton, FL, I have been asked numerous times about the crime rates in neighborhoods with residential properties. It's a valid concern for potential home buyers and renters, as safety is a top priority when choosing a place to live. Bradenton, FL is a beautiful city located on the west coast of Florida. It's known for its stunning beaches, vibrant arts scene, and rich history. With a population of over 58,000 people, it's no surprise that there are various residential properties available in the area. But what is the crime rate like in these neighborhoods? Let's take a closer look.

The Numbers

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Bradenton, FL has a crime rate of 3,846 per 100,000 residents.

This includes both violent and property crimes. Compared to the national average of 2,580 per 100,000 residents, Bradenton's crime rate is higher. However, it's important to note that this number includes all areas of Bradenton, not just neighborhoods with residential properties. So let's dive deeper into the specific neighborhoods and their crime rates.

The Safest Neighborhoods

When it comes to residential properties in Bradenton, there are several neighborhoods that stand out for their low crime rates. These include Whitfield, Palma Sola, and West Samoset.In Whitfield, the crime rate is 1,200 per 100,000 residents.

This is significantly lower than the national average and even lower than the state average of 2,489 per 100,000 residents. Palma Sola and West Samoset also have low crime rates, with 1,500 and 2,000 per 100,000 residents respectively. These neighborhoods are known for their peaceful and family-friendly atmosphere. They also have a strong sense of community, with residents looking out for one another.

The Not-So-Safe Neighborhoods

On the other hand, there are a few neighborhoods in Bradenton that have higher crime rates. These include Oneco, South Bradenton, and Bayshore Gardens.In Oneco, the crime rate is 6,000 per 100,000 residents.

This is almost double the national average and significantly higher than the state average. South Bradenton and Bayshore Gardens also have high crime rates, with 5,500 and 4,500 per 100,000 residents respectively. These neighborhoods are more urban and densely populated compared to the safer neighborhoods mentioned earlier. They also tend to have a higher number of rental properties and lower-income households.

The Impact of Residential Properties

So what role do residential properties play in these crime rates? It's important to note that residential properties alone do not cause crime. However, they can contribute to it in certain ways. For example, neighborhoods with a high number of rental properties tend to have higher crime rates.

This is because renters are less likely to have a long-term investment in the community and may not know their neighbors as well as homeowners do. In addition, vacant or abandoned residential properties can attract criminal activity. These properties may be used for illegal activities such as drug dealing or vandalism. On the other hand, well-maintained residential properties can have a positive impact on a neighborhood's crime rate. Homeowners tend to take pride in their homes and are more invested in the community. This can lead to a stronger sense of community and a lower crime rate.

What Can You Do?

If you're considering buying or renting a residential property in Bradenton, there are steps you can take to ensure your safety. First, do your research on the specific neighborhood you're interested in.

Look at crime statistics and talk to residents to get a better understanding of the area. Second, choose a well-maintained property in a safe neighborhood. This may mean paying a bit more, but it's worth it for your peace of mind. Lastly, get involved in the community. Attend neighborhood events and get to know your neighbors. This can help create a strong sense of community and deter criminal activity.

The Bottom Line

The crime rate in neighborhoods with residential properties in Bradenton, FL varies depending on the specific area.

While there are some neighborhoods with higher crime rates, there are also many safe and family-friendly neighborhoods to choose from. As with any city, it's important to do your research and take precautions when choosing a place to live. By choosing a well-maintained property in a safe neighborhood and getting involved in the community, you can help contribute to a lower crime rate and create a safer environment for everyone.

Marisol William
Marisol William

Professional pop culture maven. Amateur pizza guru. Proud music lover. Award-winning travel scholar. Incurable web fan.

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